Thứ năm, 27/06/2024

Câu hỏi:

27/08/2021 413

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When living and working in another country, there are numerous things to consider apart from the more obvious ones of climate, language, religion, currency, etc. Some important considerations are less obvious. For example, do you have a pet or do you enjoy a hobby such as horse riding? Your animal or hobby may be perceived in a completely different light in another culture so it’s important to consider the significance given to specific animals in different parts of the world and general perceptions towards them.

One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or dangerous. Muslims treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars. While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be „man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as “unhygienic”. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home.

In Iran, for instance, a cleric once denounced „the moral depravity’ of dog owners and even demanded their arrest. If you are an international assignee living and working in Saudi Arabia or another Arabic country, you should remember this when inviting Arab counterparts to your house in case you have a dog as a pet. This is just one example of how Islam and other cultural beliefs can impact on aspects of everyday life that someone else may not even question. A Middle Eastern man might be very surprised when going to Japan, for instance, and seeing dogs being dressed and pampered like humans and carried around in baby prams!

Dogs are not the only animals which are perceived quite differently from one culture to another. In India, for example, cows are sacred and are treated with the utmost respect. Conversely in Argentina, beef is a symbol of national pride because of its tradition and the high quality of its cuts. An Indian working in Argentina who has not done his research or participated in a cross cultural training programme such as Doing Business in Argentina may be surprised at his first welcome dinner with his Argentinean counterparts where a main dish of beef would be served.

It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux–pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren’t insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation.

It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. people will change their perceptions of animals when living in another culture 

B. you should not be surprised if other counterparts consider your sacred animals as food 

C. there are many things to research before going to live and work in another country 

Đáp án chính xác

D. respecting other cultures is a good way to have a successful life abroad 

Trả lời:

verified Giải bởi

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn rằng ______.

A. mọi người sẽ thay đổi nhận thức về động vật khi sống ở một nền văn hóa khác

B. bạn không nên ngạc nhiên nếu các đối tác khác coi động vật linh thiêng của bạn là thức ăn

C. có nhiều điều cần nghiên cứu trước khi đi sống và làm việc ở nước khác

D. tôn trọng các nền văn hóa khác là một cách tốt để có một cuộc sống thành công ở nước ngoài

Thông tin: Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren’t insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation.

Tạm dịch: Học cách mọi người coi trọng động vật và các biểu tượng khác trên khắp thế giới là một trong nhiều ví dụ văn hóa được thảo luận trong các khóa đào tạo liên văn hóa của Communicaid. Hiểu cách các đồng nghiệp quốc tế của bạn có thể nhận thức về một số loài vật nhất định có thể giúp bạn đảm bảo bạn không vô tình xúc phạm và thậm chí nó có thể cho bạn một chủ đề hay để trò chuyện.

Chọn C

Dịch bài đọc:


Khi sống và làm việc ở một quốc gia khác, có rất nhiều điều cần xem xét ngoài những điều rõ ràng hơn như khí hậu, ngôn ngữ, tôn giáo, tiền tệ, v.v ... Một số sự cân nhắc quan trọng ít rõ ràng hơn. Chẳng hạn, bạn có nuôi thú cưng hay bạn có một sở thích như cưỡi ngựa? Thú cưng hoặc sở thích của bạn có thể được nhận thức ở một khía cạnh hoàn toàn khác trong một nền văn hóa khác, vì vậy, điều quan trọng là phải xem xét tầm quan trọng của các động vật cụ thể ở các khu vực khác nhau trên thế giới và nhận thức chung về chúng. 

Một ví dụ thường được đề cập trên những tờ báo phổ biến và về chó. Ở một số nền văn hóa, như Mỹ hoặc Anh, chó được yêu thích và được coi là thú cưng tuyệt vời để nuôi trong nhà và với gia đình. Ở các nền văn hóa khác, chẳng hạn như những nơi mà Hồi giáo là tôn giáo chính, loài chó có thể bị coi là bẩn thỉu hoặc nguy hiểm. Việc đối xử với người Hồi giáo đối với loài chó vẫn là vấn đề tranh luận giữa các học giả Hồi giáo. Trong khi những con vật này được nhiều nền văn hóa phương Tây coi là “người bạn thân nhất của loài người”, thì kinh Koran mô tả chúng là những “loài vật không vệ sinh”. Do đó, người Hồi giáo sẽ tránh chạm vào một con chó trừ khi anh ấy có thể rửa tay ngay sau đó, và họ gần như sẽ không bao giờ giữ một con chó trong nhà của họ. 

Ví dụ, ở Iran, một giáo sĩ đã từng tố cáo “sự đồi bại đạo đức” của những người nuôi chó và thậm chí còn yêu cầu bắt giữ họ. Nếu bạn là một người được phái đi làm việc ở nước ngoài, sống và làm việc tại Ả Rập Saudi hoặc một quốc gia Ả Rập khác, bạn nên nhớ điều này khi mời các đối tác Ả Rập đến nhà bạn trong trường hợp bạn có nuôi một con chó làm thú cưng. Đây chỉ là một ví dụ về cách đạo Hồi và các tín ngưỡng văn hóa khác có thể tác động đến các khía cạnh của cuộc sống hàng ngày mà người khác thậm chí không thể hỏi. Ví dụ, một người đàn ông Trung Đông có thể rất ngạc nhiên khi đến Nhật Bản và nhìn thấy những con chó được mặc quần áo và nuông chiều như con người và mang theo trong những chiếc xe đẩy trẻ em! 

Loài chó không phải là động vật duy nhất được nhận thức hoàn toàn khác nhau từ nền văn hóa này sang nền văn hóa khác. Ví dụ, ở Ấn Độ, loài bò là linh thiêng và được đối xử với sự tôn trọng tối đa. Ngược lại ở Argentina, thịt bò là biểu tượng của niềm tự hào dân tộc vì truyền thống và chất lượng cao của các lát cắt. Một người Ấn Độ làm việc tại Argentina, người chưa thực hiện nghiên cứu hoặc tham gia chương trình đào tạo văn hóa chéo như Kinh doanh tại Argentina có thể ngạc nhiên trong bữa tối chào mừng đầu tiên của anh ấy với các đối tác Argentina, nơi thịt bò chính sẽ được phục vụ là món chính. 

Do đó, điều quan trọng là phải nhận thức được các giá trị cụ thể được gán cho các đối tượng hoặc loài vật ở các nền văn hóa khác nhau để tránh những hành động xấu hổ hoặc sự hiểu lầm về văn hóa, đặc biệt là khi sống và làm việc ở một nền văn hóa khác. Học cách mọi người coi trọng động vật và các biểu tượng khác trên khắp thế giới là một trong nhiều ví dụ văn hóa được thảo luận trong các khóa đào tạo liên văn hóa của Communicaid. Hiểu cách các đồng nghiệp quốc tế của bạn có thể nhận thức về một số loài vật nhất định có thể giúp bạn đảm bảo bạn không vô tình xúc phạm và thậm chí nó có thể cho bạn một chủ đề hay để trò chuyện.

Câu trả lời này có hữu ích không?



Câu 1:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When living and working in another country, there are numerous things to consider apart from the more obvious ones of climate, language, religion, currency, etc. Some important considerations are less obvious. For example, do you have a pet or do you enjoy a hobby such as horse riding? Your animal or hobby may be perceived in a completely different light in another culture so it’s important to consider the significance given to specific animals in different parts of the world and general perceptions towards them.

One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or dangerous. Muslims treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars. While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be „man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as “unhygienic”. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home.

In Iran, for instance, a cleric once denounced „the moral depravity’ of dog owners and even demanded their arrest. If you are an international assignee living and working in Saudi Arabia or another Arabic country, you should remember this when inviting Arab counterparts to your house in case you have a dog as a pet. This is just one example of how Islam and other cultural beliefs can impact on aspects of everyday life that someone else may not even question. A Middle Eastern man might be very surprised when going to Japan, for instance, and seeing dogs being dressed and pampered like humans and carried around in baby prams!

Dogs are not the only animals which are perceived quite differently from one culture to another. In India, for example, cows are sacred and are treated with the utmost respect. Conversely in Argentina, beef is a symbol of national pride because of its tradition and the high quality of its cuts. An Indian working in Argentina who has not done his research or participated in a cross cultural training programme such as Doing Business in Argentina may be surprised at his first welcome dinner with his Argentinean counterparts where a main dish of beef would be served.

It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux–pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren’t insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation.

According to paragraph 2, which sentence is INCORRECT ?

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 5,000

Câu 2:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help to prevent drought and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.

Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this. The villager wants wood to cook his food with, and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after trees. So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.

This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results are even more serious. For where there are trees their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in and also bind the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily, but where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert.

Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways, the most important of which is that they can _______.

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 2,973

Câu 3:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 


It seems entirely natural to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and (46) _______ institutions around the world, attempting to discover the way the world works. (47) _______, it hasn’t always been that way. Although the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could (48) _________ the cause of natural events just by the power of thought. 

During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could test their scientific ideas by designing a relevant experiment and seeing what happened. A lot of (49) _________ was made in this way by individual scientists. These men and women often worked alone, carrying out research into many different areas of science, and they often received very little (50) _________ for their hard work. At the start of the 20th century, though, it became clear that science was becoming more complicated and more expensive. The individual scientists disappeared, to be replaced by highly qualified teams of experts. Modern science was born.

Điền vào ô 46

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 2,712

Câu 4:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When living and working in another country, there are numerous things to consider apart from the more obvious ones of climate, language, religion, currency, etc. Some important considerations are less obvious. For example, do you have a pet or do you enjoy a hobby such as horse riding? Your animal or hobby may be perceived in a completely different light in another culture so it’s important to consider the significance given to specific animals in different parts of the world and general perceptions towards them.

One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or dangerous. Muslims treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars. While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be „man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as “unhygienic”. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home.

In Iran, for instance, a cleric once denounced „the moral depravity’ of dog owners and even demanded their arrest. If you are an international assignee living and working in Saudi Arabia or another Arabic country, you should remember this when inviting Arab counterparts to your house in case you have a dog as a pet. This is just one example of how Islam and other cultural beliefs can impact on aspects of everyday life that someone else may not even question. A Middle Eastern man might be very surprised when going to Japan, for instance, and seeing dogs being dressed and pampered like humans and carried around in baby prams!

Dogs are not the only animals which are perceived quite differently from one culture to another. In India, for example, cows are sacred and are treated with the utmost respect. Conversely in Argentina, beef is a symbol of national pride because of its tradition and the high quality of its cuts. An Indian working in Argentina who has not done his research or participated in a cross cultural training programme such as Doing Business in Argentina may be surprised at his first welcome dinner with his Argentinean counterparts where a main dish of beef would be served.

It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux–pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren’t insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation.

Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 2,144

Câu 5:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

All births, deaths and marriages are entered in the _______ records. Most of these records have been computerized in recent years

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 1,913

Câu 6:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Such approaches should be supported and mainstreamed in health interventions in order to _______ positive behavior change

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 1,681

Câu 7:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Hue is the ideal place to enjoy life; it’s a beautiful and hospitable city with its famous cultural heritage.

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 1,498

Câu 8:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 


It seems entirely natural to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and (46) _______ institutions around the world, attempting to discover the way the world works. (47) _______, it hasn’t always been that way. Although the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could (48) _________ the cause of natural events just by the power of thought. 

During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could test their scientific ideas by designing a relevant experiment and seeing what happened. A lot of (49) _________ was made in this way by individual scientists. These men and women often worked alone, carrying out research into many different areas of science, and they often received very little (50) _________ for their hard work. At the start of the 20th century, though, it became clear that science was becoming more complicated and more expensive. The individual scientists disappeared, to be replaced by highly qualified teams of experts. Modern science was born.

Điền vào ô 48

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 1,355

Câu 9:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The police are trying to determine the _______ of events that led up to the disappearance of the child

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 1,279

Câu 10:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope _______ painting and decorating the new nursery

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 812

Câu 11:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Most office furniture is bought more on the basis of _______ than comfort

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 749

Câu 12:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

I won’t be home for _______ dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after _______ work and we’re going to _______ cinema

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 603

Câu 13:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When living and working in another country, there are numerous things to consider apart from the more obvious ones of climate, language, religion, currency, etc. Some important considerations are less obvious. For example, do you have a pet or do you enjoy a hobby such as horse riding? Your animal or hobby may be perceived in a completely different light in another culture so it’s important to consider the significance given to specific animals in different parts of the world and general perceptions towards them.

One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or dangerous. Muslims treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars. While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be „man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as “unhygienic”. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home.

In Iran, for instance, a cleric once denounced „the moral depravity’ of dog owners and even demanded their arrest. If you are an international assignee living and working in Saudi Arabia or another Arabic country, you should remember this when inviting Arab counterparts to your house in case you have a dog as a pet. This is just one example of how Islam and other cultural beliefs can impact on aspects of everyday life that someone else may not even question. A Middle Eastern man might be very surprised when going to Japan, for instance, and seeing dogs being dressed and pampered like humans and carried around in baby prams!

Dogs are not the only animals which are perceived quite differently from one culture to another. In India, for example, cows are sacred and are treated with the utmost respect. Conversely in Argentina, beef is a symbol of national pride because of its tradition and the high quality of its cuts. An Indian working in Argentina who has not done his research or participated in a cross cultural training programme such as Doing Business in Argentina may be surprised at his first welcome dinner with his Argentinean counterparts where a main dish of beef would be served.

It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux–pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren’t insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation.

The word “pampered” in the third paragraph could be best replaced by _______.

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 464

Câu 14:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

George graduated with a good degree. However, he joined the ranks of the unemployed.

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 449

Câu 15:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When living and working in another country, there are numerous things to consider apart from the more obvious ones of climate, language, religion, currency, etc. Some important considerations are less obvious. For example, do you have a pet or do you enjoy a hobby such as horse riding? Your animal or hobby may be perceived in a completely different light in another culture so it’s important to consider the significance given to specific animals in different parts of the world and general perceptions towards them.

One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or dangerous. Muslims treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars. While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be „man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as “unhygienic”. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home.

In Iran, for instance, a cleric once denounced „the moral depravity’ of dog owners and even demanded their arrest. If you are an international assignee living and working in Saudi Arabia or another Arabic country, you should remember this when inviting Arab counterparts to your house in case you have a dog as a pet. This is just one example of how Islam and other cultural beliefs can impact on aspects of everyday life that someone else may not even question. A Middle Eastern man might be very surprised when going to Japan, for instance, and seeing dogs being dressed and pampered like humans and carried around in baby prams!

Dogs are not the only animals which are perceived quite differently from one culture to another. In India, for example, cows are sacred and are treated with the utmost respect. Conversely in Argentina, beef is a symbol of national pride because of its tradition and the high quality of its cuts. An Indian working in Argentina who has not done his research or participated in a cross cultural training programme such as Doing Business in Argentina may be surprised at his first welcome dinner with his Argentinean counterparts where a main dish of beef would be served.

It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux–pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren’t insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation.

What does the author suggest in the last paragraph? 

Xem đáp án » 27/08/2021 413

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