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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. 

     Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Viet Nam is developing rapidly and gradually affirming that it is a pillar and (1) ________ technology in the fourth industrial revolution. Technological powers have long built their own AI development strategies, taking this technology as the core for (2) ________ economic development.” OpenGov reports. 

     Over the last few years, more organizations have started developing and applying AI in various fields including education, telecommunications, retail, healthcare and (3) ________ which have not only gradually dominated the market but also earned huge profits. 

     Currently, AI is the focus of the global technology circle and governments around the world. Many countries have spent billions of US dollars on AI development strategies with the ambition to be the frontrunners of AI. 

     Viet Nam is not outside this development trend either. In recent years, Viet Nam's AI industry has made visible strides with increasing AI content in various products, the release noted. Large domestic technology corporations (4) ________ are interested in investing in and building AI sources implement AI projects.  Many domestic companies as well as innovative start-ups, also tend to invest in AI and carry out many new applications in new business models. (5) ________, like many countries that prioritize. AI investment. Viet Nam lacks large databases, infrastructure, resources, and a solid foundation from AI businesses.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 


     Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average - the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one eighth of an inch per year. Higher sea levels mean that deadly and destructive storm surges push farther inland than they once did, which also means more frequent nuisance flooding. Disruptive and expensive, nuisance flooding is estimated to be from 300 percent to 900 percent more frequent within U.S. coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago. 

     The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean since water expands as it warms, and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets. The oceans are absorbing more than 90 percent of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activity. 

     With continued ocean and atmospheric warming, sea levels will likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century. In the United States, almost 40 percent of the population lives in relatively high-population- density coastal areas, where sea level plays a role in flooding, shoreline erosion, and hazards from storms. Globally, eight of the world's 10 largest cities are near a coast, according to the U.N. Atlas of the Oceans. 

     Sea level rise at specific locations may be more or less than the global average due to local factors such as land subsidence from natural processes and withdrawal of groundwater and fossil fuels, changes in regional ocean currents, and whether the land is still rebounding from the compressive weight of Ice Age glaciers. In urban settings, rising seas threaten infrastructure necessary for local jobs and regional industries. Roads, bridges, subways, water supplies, oil and gas wells, power plants, sewage treatment plants, landfills-virtually all human infrastructure-is at risk from sea level rise. 

What does the word "it" in paragraph 3 refer to?

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 

     As computer use becomes more common, the need for security is more important than ever. One of the greatest security threats in the online world is computer hacking. Computer hacking is the unauthorized access to a computer or network of computers. Hackers are people who illegally enter systems. They may alter or delete information, steal private information, or spread viruses that can damage or destroy files. But how exactly can a hacker get into a system to do these things? 

     Most hackers use information called protocols that are built into computer software. These protocols allow computers to interact with one another. Protocols are sort of like computer police officers. When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check to see if the access is valid. The protocols can also determine how much information can be shared between the two systems. Hackers can manipulate the protocols to get unlimited access to a computer system. 

     In fact, just the act of entering a computer network is considered hacking. This is commonly called passive hacking. Passive hackers get a rush from just being able to access a challenging system like a bank or military network. Another kind of hacker tries to do damage to a system. After hacking into systems, these hackers release viruses or alter, delete, or take information. Known as active hackers, they are, by far, the more dangerous of the two

     The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password. Long and unusual passwords are harder for hackers to guess. For even greater security, some online services now use "password plus" systems. In this case, users first put in a password and then put in a second code that changes after the user accesses the site. Users either have special cards or devices that show them the new code to use the next time. Even if a hacker steals the password, they won't have the code. Or if the hacker somehow gets the code, they still don't know the password. 

It is implied in the passage that __________ 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. 

     Trees protect the soil beneath them; thus, tree loss can affect soil integrity. For example, the rain forest floor, home to numerous plant life as well as insects, worms, reptiles and amphibians, and small mammals, relies on a dense covering of branches and leaves to keep it healthy and intact. The canopy of leaves prevents surface runoff by (4) ________ heavy rainfall, so that water can drip down slowly onto the porous earth. Tree roots also stabilize the soil and help prevent erosion. In return, a healthy soil encourages root development and microbial activity, (5) ________ contribute to tree growth and wellbeing. A major factor in cutting forest -related soil damage comes (6) ________ road building, with trucks and other heavy equipment compressing the soft soil, creating furrows where water collects, and disrupting the underground water flow. Eventually, the topsoil erodes, leaving behind (7) ________ infertile layer of rocks and hard clay. 

     Logging can also damage aquatic habitats. Vegetation along rivers and stream banks helps maintain a steady water flow by blocking the entry of soil and other residue, and trees shade inhibits the growth of algae. Removing trees (8) ________ these benefits. When eroding soil flows into waterways, the organic matter within it consumes more oxygen, which can lead to oxygen depletion in the water, killing fish and other aquatic wildlife.